December 5, 2023 (350 x 550 px)

Turn Your Social Media Chaos into Cash!

Transform Your Social Media into a Sales Machine in just 90-Minutes

Is Social Media a Struggle?

You're juggling multiple tasks, running your business and social media feels like just another chore on your  to-do list.

It doesn't have to!

Imagine having a social media calendar that practically runs itself, freeing you to work on what you love most about your business.

This masterclass will help you create a rock-solid plan that takes you from overwhelmed to overjoyed, all while boosting your bottom line.


overjoyed at work on laptop from social media campaign success
team celebrating success with social media campaign

Why You Need This Master Class.

  • A Clear Plan: Walk away with a 12-month roadmap for your social media content in less than 90-minutes.

  • Consistency & Simplicity: No more last-minute, sporadic posts. This simple plan will actually give you more time to focus on your business.

  • Boost Sales: Create a social media that not only looks good but actually turns followers into paying customers.

  • Expert Guidance: Learn from an expoert with a track record of building and implementing profitable social media plans.

Will this work for me?

From Realtors and custom home builders to general contractors and electricians – if you thrive on transforming customer needs into tangible results, I’ve tailored this experience just for you.

The digital landscape is changing fast and to keep up you need the right set of tools—tools that put an end to the days of cold calls and spammy sales conversations.

What if you could attract clients effortlessly through social media?

I'm sharing the exact process that has consistently doubled and tripled my clients' leads through social media.  And it's simpler than you think, you're looking at a mere 15-20 minutes a few days a week. That’s it!

This masterclass will guide you on the path to turning likes into leads, and online conversations into contracts.

Join us, and let's build a social media strategy that brings you leads, not headaches.


overjoyed at work on laptop from social media campaign success

Ready to Change Your Social Media Game?

Click the button below to register for this revenue boosting master class.

Don't Let 2024 Be Another Year of Missed Opportunities—Act Now!

hands-on learning

Hands-on Learning

Forget about boring slides, our masterclass is jam-packed with fun, interactive learning.

You'll be creating your social media calendar in real-time, walking away with a tangible product you can start using immediately.

Using Social Media to generate leads and convert sales

Conversion Myths Busted

We'll tell you the truth about social media and sales so that you can attract more of the RIGHT audience. 

Understanding what resonates with your target market is the difference between hitting your goals easily next year and wasting time.

live question and answer

Live Q&A

The masterclass wraps up with a live Q&A session where you can receive real-time, personalized advice.

We will give you actionable tips that you can implement right away, so that you can start implementing this process and kickstart your sales for 2024.